Smithsonian NMAfA


The National Museum of African Art (NMAfA) began as a private educational institution in 1964 to promote cross-cultural understanding in the social sciences and arts. In August 1979, by enactment of Public Law 95-414, the museum became part of the Smithsonian Institution, the world’s largest museum and research complex dedicated to the increase and diffusion of knowledge. NMAfA was the first institution dedicated to African art in the United States, and remains the largest collection.

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Art, Film, Music, Heritage, Africa

Our Support

Mansa Colabs has supported a variety of projects at the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, from developing a digital companion of the "Heritage Talks" series to co-producing innovative community programming such as plays, panels on the Creative Economy, and the DC premier of "The Price". Mansa Colabs continues to facilitate other programs held at NMAfA, such as interactive painting events and workshops.

Learn More About NMAfA